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a) Define the terms data and information with examples.
= Data are the raw facts, symbols or unprocessed mean which give complete meaning only after processing, and the result or desired output of data processing information. for example "Anil, Butwal, Ten, boy, cricket, 16, etc are data's and "Anil is a 16 years boy reads in class to and he likes cricket'' is a information.
b) What do you mean by Database? Write two databases.
→ A database is an organized collection of logically related information about person, thing, or place that can be used for different purposes. The example of databases are telephone directory, Mark ledger, etc
c) What is Database Management System (DBMS)? List any four common DBMS.
→ Database Management system (DBMs) & a software that allows users to create, edit and update data in database files. Some of Common DBMS are: Microsoft access, Microsoft SQL, Oracle, fox pro, etc.
d) Differentiate between Dems and RDBMS.
= They are.
* A Data Base Management System & a set of program which I used to manage the data stored in a data base.
* For eg: dbase for base, etc.
* RDBMS is a type of Database Management system that stores and organizes information inform of multiple linked related tables.
* for eg.. MS Access, etc Oracle, etc.
e) What is MS-Access ? Write it's any two features.
= MS-Access is one of the common, popular complete database package developed by Microsoft Corporation USA: The two features of MS- Access are:
i. It is the simple and flexible touse.
ii. It provides visual tool for different database functions.
f) Mention any for major objects of MS-Access.
= The four major objects of MS-Access are:
i. Tables
ii. Forms
iii. Queries
iv. Reports
g) What is table? What are the ways of creating table of MS-Access ?
→ Tables are the base building blocks of database which contain information for related items and are broken down to individual units of information. Microsoft Access automatically creates a new table in the database called Table 1. Table can be created in Data sheet view, Design view, and using wizard. To create a table, follow these steps.
* Step 1: Click on the Create button.
* Step 2: Then click on the table button from the Tables group of the ribbon.
Then a new table will be created.
h) Write any two advantages and any two disadvantages of DBMS.
→ The two advantages of DBMS are:
i. It reduces the data redundancy.
ii. It provides data security and privacy.
→ The two disadvantage of DBMS are:
i. The Initial setup cost of hardware and software.
ii. Difficult to recover data backup in DBMS system.
i) list the basic elements of database.
= The basic elements of database are:
i. Field
ii. Record
iii. Table
iv. Database System
v. Column
vi Row
j) Define field property and Write the use of Input mask and validation rule.
→Field properties are the set of characteristics or attributes assigned in the table that provide additional control over how a field works. the use of input mask is to determines what data can be entered in the field. how the data looks and the format in with it is stored. The use of validation rule is to set a condition or criteria which limits the data entry in the fable.
k) What is primary key ? Write it's importance.
= Primary key is an unique identifier in a master tables that uniquely identified the record table. It's importance are:
* to identify each record uniquely.
*To reduce data red redundency.
*To set the relationship among tables
*not to leave any field blank.
l) What is meant by sorting data? Write the types of data sorting.
= Data sorting is the process of amazing data to legal water either by descending or by descending order to make data searching fast. The types of data sorting are:
*Style Felt sort
*Multiple Field Sort.
m) What is indexing? Write the indexing options.
= Indexing is the arrangement of records alphabetically which helps to sort records faster and easier. The options of indexing are:
*Yes (Duplicates OK)
*Yes (No Duplicates)
n) What is query? Write it's use.
→ A query is an MS-Process object designed to retrieve data from one at more tables or queries. The uses of queries are:
*To view selected records on the basis of fields of field.
*To perform advance filtering.
*To sort chin as per requirement
*To analyze data of sorted table.
o). What do you mean by filtering data?
→ The process of viewing only the selected date from the table is called filtering data.
p) What is form? Write its advantages over tab?
= A form is a database affect that you an is enter, edit or display data from a table or a query. The advantages of fins are:
* It displays Complete information at once.
*It allows to controls and enhance data on the screen.
*It allows to insert different control buttons to Interact with MS--Access.
q) What is report? Write is importance.
→ Reports are screen outputs of data arranged to various formats as required by the user. The importance of report are:
* with the help of Report not possible from Tables you we can print the data layout which is In desired layout which and Queries.
* In reports if we can add necessary setting such as font, font size, font cold, title, etc.
r) Write suitable data types to store employees name, date of birth, salary and photograph..
→ The suitable data types to store such things are:
*Name= Text
*date of birth= Date/Time
*Salary = Number
*Photograph= Attachment