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Demography, Population Change and Management |
1) What are demographic components?
= The components of demograophic are:
i. Birth ii. Death iii. Migration
2) What is Fertility?
= Fertility is a state of being fertile.
3) What is fecundity?
= Fecundity is the capacity of a man, women or a Couple to participate in reproduction.
4) What are the measures of fertility?
= The measures of fertility are:
i. Crude Birth Rate (CBR)
ii. General Fertility Rate (GFR)
iii. Age-Specific Fertility Rate (ASFR)
iv. Total Fertility Rate(TFR)
5) What are the measures of mortality?
= the measures of mortality are:
* Crude Death Rate (CDR)
* Age-Specific Death Rate(ASFR)
* Infant Mortality Rate(IMR)
* Child Mortality Rate(CMR)
* Maternal Mortality Rate(MMR)
6) What are the measures of migrations.
= The measures of migration are:
* In-Migration Rate
*Net-Migration Rate
*Out-Migration Rate
*Cross-Migration Rate
7) What are the Natural factors of population Change?
= The Natural factors of population change are:
* Birth
* Death
* Migration
8) What a emergency contraceptive?
= Emergency Contraceptive is a method of contraception that can be used to prevent pregency after intercourse.
# Short Answer Question.
1) What do you mean by demographic components?
→ The factors that affect the population size of a place like birth, death and migration are. generally known as demographic components.
2) What do you mean by demographic process?
→The factors that bring about change in the demographic components such as birth, death and migration A known as demographic process.
3) How can you compute total fertility rate?
→To calculate TER we need to calculate the value of ASFR. If group of 5 year interval is made the Summation of all ASFR is to be multiplied by 5 and the resultant value divided by 1000.
TER= (ASFR) x Age interval of 5/1000
4) Mention in short the types of migration.
= Migration can be of two types:
* Internal Migration = Migration that take place within a country is known be internal migration.
* International Migration= The Migration that takes place outside the country is known as international Migration.
5) Different between Fertility and Fecundity.
= *Fertility
i. Fertility is the actual birth performance of women through out their reproductive age spore.
ii. The term concerns women only.
i. Fecundity is the Capacity of participate in reproduction.
ii. The term concerns both men and women or a couple.
6) Difference between demographic measures and demographic components.
= *demographic components
i. The factor that affect the population size of a place such as birth, death, migration is called demographic components.
* Demographic measures
i. Those mathematical and statistical measurements which show the charge in the population size, structure and distribution of particular area of country are called demographic measures.
7) Define total Fertility rate and mention how we can Calculate it.
→Total Fertility Rate (TFR) gives a tentative value to Indicate child bearing performance of a women during her whole child bearing age. To calculate TFR we bead the calculated value of ASFR, If group 5 Years Interval is made, the summation of all ASFR is to be multiplied by 5 and the resultant is divided by 1000.
8) Why is Crude Birth Rate not considered as the exact measure of fertility
= Crude Birth Rate is not considered as the exact treasure of fertility because the measurement & net applicable to compare the fertility of two different populations.
9) Why do you think people migrate one place to another?
→ People migrate one place to another for the following:
* Poverty
* Natural cloumities.
* Unemployment
* lack of personal freedom.
* lack of land ownership
* lack of adequate facilities
* lack of economic activities
10) How does Gross Migration Rate differ from Net Migration Rate?
→ Gross migration late is quite differ from nest Migration Rate Gross Migration Rate refers to the sum of in-migration rate and out-migration rate. In fact it is the total number of people taking four In migration per thousand population to particular place but not migration simply refers to the differ between the number of in-migrants and out-migrate.
11) What are the impacts of migration on the place of origin?
→ There are two types of impacts of migration on the place of origin Negative and Positive impact.
*Negative impact
-Decrease in economic activties, resulting in decreasement in job facilities
-Risk of cultural disappearance.
--Regional disbalance
*Positive impact
- Easy to manage the decreased population
-Protection of natural
-Employment Lavage
12) What are the impacts of migration on the place a destination?
→ There are two types of impacts of migration on the place of destination:
* Positive impact
- Incresement of population.
-Development of competation spirit.
-Social diversity.
* Negative impact
-Effect social and cultural values
-Difficulties in services delivery.
13) What do you wear by pull and push factors of migration? Give example:
= The pull factor defined as the factors which uses to pull migrants to specific area by showing attractive and useful things but push factors actually means the factors which push the people wing it in the area by showing negative and useful things.
14) What is the measurement of population growth? How can you calculate population doubling time? = The measures of population growth are:
• Rate of Natural Increase
*Population doubling Time
*Population Growth Rate
*Dependency Ratio
*financial ratio
We can compute population doubling time by using the formula:
= PGR= 70/PGR
15) Explain the advantages of vasectomy.
= Vasectomy is also called male sterilization. It is very common and effective measures of contraception. A man who has had vasectomy is active and can have ejaculation but his semen does not contain sperm. Thus there is no possibilities by of conception and it also does not has any side effects.
16) Illustrate the types of natural methods of Contraceptive.
= The natural method of contraceptive are:
* Rhythm or calender method
* Cervical mucus testing method.
* lactation Amenorrhea method.
17) Make a list of permanent methods of family planning with examples.
= They are:
* Male= eg: vasectomy
• Female= eg: minilap, laparoscopy
18) What is birth spacing?
→Birth spacing refers to the duration gap between the births of two children.