Class 9 English Unit 1 Travel and Holidays Notes

1. Match the followings:

a. magnificent -------------- extremely attractive and impressive

b. glaciers -------------------- rivers of ice

c. hotspot --------------------- a place of significant activity

d. astonished ------------------ surprised amazed

e. enchanting ------------------ charming

f. flora and fauna -------------- plants and animals

g. perennial --------------------- through out the year

B. Give correct answers.

a. What are the visitors expected to achieve the most in this package holidays?

= iii. Self-transformation with Yoga in serene hill stations

b. What will the visitor do on the First day of their tour?

= ii. discuss the programme

c. Where will they stay on the Fourth day?

= Banthanti

d. What is the destination of the visitor on the sixth day?

= ii. Tadapani

e. Which place will the tourists visit last part at the package?

= Ghandruk 

C. Answer these questions.

a. List any two advantages of Yoga trek in the Nepal hilly region.

→ The two advantages of the Yoga trek in the Nepali hilly region are:

i. It provides yoga and meditation for complete body, mind and soul for greater relaxation.

ii. It provide treking experience which benefits physical and mental health.

b. What would you enjoy the most in Ghandruk if you were one of the visitors? 

→ I would enjoy the magnificient view of Annapurna and Machhapuchhre and I would have the experience of ethric village in Ghandruk. I would enjoy because being a nature lover, I love tourist visit amazing view of nature which Ghandruk has to other.

c. Who can take part in this Yoga trek can programme?

→ Yoga trek programme is open for all experience levels; For those who interested in the strengthening of the body, mind and soul.

d. How many days do the visitors do yoga during the programme?

= The visitors do yoga for tour days during programme.

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