1) Answer the following questions;
a. Explain the gender roles in details.
= i. Reproductive role: Child bearing treating responsibilities and domestic tasks done by women. required to guarantee the maintenance and reproduction of the labour force. It includes not only biological reproduction but also the Care and maintainance of the work force and the future work force.
ii. Productive role: Work done by both men and women for pay in cash or kind. In some rural societies, commercial agricultural production is mainly a male responsibility as they prepare land and transport them to market. Women and girls play an important role, largely unpaid role in generating family income, by providing labour for planting, weeding, harvesting and threshing crops and processing products for sale.
iii. Community managing role: Activities undertaken primarily by women at the community level as an extension of their reproductive role, to ensure the provision and maintenance of Scarce resources of collective consumption, such as water, health care and education.
iv. Community politics role: Activities undertaken primarily by men at the community level with political interest come under community politics role. Women do most of the work that helps communities deal with their problems, but have little political power in leadership structure.
b. Define reproductive health. List the reproductive rights.
= Reproductive health is a state of complete physical mental and social well-being and act merely the absence of disease or matters relating to reproductive processes, functions and system all stages of life. Some of the reproductive rights are:-
i. Reproductive and sexual health as a component of overall health, throughout the lifecycle, for both men and women.
ii. Sexual and reproductive security, including freedom from sexual violence and coercion and the right to privacy.
iii. All the individuals have the right to use all available safe and easy scientific techniques and means to sexual and reproductive health (SRH).
iv. All the individuals have right to involve in mas political pressure to government on formulation a implementation of (SRH) issues policies.
c. What suggestions would you give to adolescents of today? List them.
= Adolescents are the near future pillers of the nation. Adolescent period is very sensative period of a human life. Many problems and hindrancess should be came in their development process some of the suggestions that I wan't to give to adolescents of today are:
i. Physical and mental change will occur during their period so they should not shy of it and share it with their parents.
ii. They should follow the guidelines provided by their parents and elders in society and family.
iii. They should avoid bad friend circle and make them self in creative work such as drawing singing, Reading books, etc. to be avoided from bad habits.
iv. Adolescencs may have some sexual desires and feelings during this period so, they should control themself and make themself busy in their task.
v. In the time of emergency sexual reproduction they should be aware about safe sexual relationship and don't forgot to use the proper contraceptives properly.
d. What are the measures for child health care in Nepal? List them.
= Some of the measures for child health Care in Nepal are:
i. Baby should be held upside down for the mucus water in the mouth and nose to come out after delivery.
ii. The cord should be cut down with a clean and strelized instrument.
iii. The baby should be wrapped in warm clothes.
iv. Adequate liquid matters should be fed.
v. Physical Checkup should be in regular interval.
vi. Mother shouldnot smoke, consume alcohol, drugs until baby is taking breast milk.
vii. Baby should be feed with milk time to time as Soon as possible.
e. Write the causes, symptoms and preventive measures of HIV/AIDS?
= The Causes of HIV/AIDS are:
i. Having unprotected sex
ii. Having another STI's like Syphills, herpes and Gonorrhoea.
iii. Sharing contaminated needles, syrings and others injecting equipments and drug solutions when injecting drugs.
iv. Receiving unsafe injections, blood transfusions, medical procedures that involve unsterile cutting or piercing.
= Signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS are:
i. Nausea and vomiting
ii. Feeling tiredness all time
iii. Fever
iv. Headache
v. Pneumonia
vi. Dry cough
vii. Diarrohea
= Preventive measures of HIV/AIDS are:-
i. Avoid Unprotected sex.
ii. Avoid multipartner sexual relationships
iii. Avoid unprotected, unsafe and unsterilized needle storing
iv. Sex should be between couple only
v. Avoid prostitution
f. What sort of education should be provided to women for the improvement on safe motherhood? Mention any five points.
= The Sort of education should be provided to women for the Improvement of safe motherhood are:
i. A pregnent or lactating women should take a balanced diet at appropriate care of herself.
ii. She should take vaccination against Tetanus during pregnant to be safe.
iii. She should visit for regular health checkups from skilled health workers.
iv. During pregnency and after delivery she need more blood she should take routine iron and foliate supplementation.
v. If there is any Complications during pregnancy she should recently tell to family and visit medical health care centre.
g. What are the five points of framework for safe motherhood according to International women's day (1995) 2053 BS.
= The five points are:-
i. A family should provide a balance diet and appropriate care for pregnent and lactating women.
ii. The family should provide routine iron and foliate Supplementation in pregnency as there is need of more blood during pregnency and after delivery.
iii. The family should arrange regular visit for health Checkups from skilled health workers or Skill Birth Attendance.
iv. Family should arrange for vaccination against Tetanus so the pregnent women will be safe.
v. Family should maintain good environment for pregnent women and they should prepare all necessary things during pregnency.