Lesson 10.6 Family Health and Care || Class 9 Social Notes


1. What is meant by family health and care?

→ Being healthy is the greatest happiness of man. Happiness means a healthy life. Family plays a big role in maintaining a healthy body and taking care of the individual. The family is the basic unit for health facilities and care.

2. What is the importance of cleanliness in family health?

= We should always keep ourselves and the environment around us clean and hygienic so that no bacteria can invade. Cleanliness is important in family health because attention to cleanliness has a positive effect on family health. Less likely to give up the disease to us.

3. Should elderly care be reduced in family health?

= In family health, asking for the rest of the elderly should be done with respect, love, respect, diet,  rest and regular health checks.

4. What things are included under family health.

= i. balanced diet

ii. Personal hygiene

iii. Maternal health

iv. Child health

v. Health of the elderly

vi. Family Health Plan

vii. vaccine

viii. Cleanliness

ix. Family health education

5. What is the importance of family health education? Mention. 

= Education plays a very important role in family health, learning the information needed for a healthy life first from the family.

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