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Class 9 Sky Burial Notes |
A. Match the meanings words from the given box..
a. profound very great
b. frenzy a state of great activity and strong emotion
c. gruesome very unpleasant and killing with horror.
d. forbidden not allowed.
e. omen a sign of what is going to happen in the future
f. fascination very strong attraction.
g. engrossed involved in something with hole attention
h. pulverise to make something into a fine
B. Write True or False:
i. Foreign visitors are welcome to see Sky Burial rituals. [False]
b. The visitors are not allowed to take photos of the rituals. [True]
c. The vultures took more than fifteen minutes to finish the entire corpse. [False]
d. The Tibetans perceive the body as a vessel for the soul. [True]
e. The youngest son of the writer was buzy with his toys. [False]
f. The author visited the burial sites with his wife and three children. [True]
C. Answer these questions.
a. Why did the author visit a traditional Tibetan Buddhist Monastery?
=The author visited a traditional Tibetan Buddhist Monastery to view the traditional Tibetan culture of farewelling dead bodies
b. What did the author see on the hill?
=The author saw about 100 vultures waiting for the dead body to be chopped on the hillside.
e. Why did the author give the iPad to his youngest son?
→ The author gave the iPad to his youngest son so that he would be busy playing games and would not be able to know the moment of farewelling the dead bodies
d. Describe the appearance of a Rogyapa, the body breaker.
→ Rogyapa, the body breaker was wearing a thick, dark scarlet red coloured coat with a black hood.
e. What did the body breaker do after collecting the bones?
→ After collecting the bones, the body, breaker started to make a tine powder at bones and mix them with yak butter and barley flour.
f. What is considered to be a bad sign.
=It the vultures don't eat the body or even if small bits and left, it is considered as a bad sign.
g Why did the author feel proud?
=The author felt proud because his children were able to understand the ancient Tibetan culture which gives meaning to lives.
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Class 9 Surprising Custom Notes |
A. Find the words from the following text.
i. Propensity a natural desire.
ii. etiquette the rules of correct or behaviour in society polite
iii. bartenders people who work in a bar, serving drinks
iv. twirling to become twisted.
B. Write True or False.
a In Nicaragua, people prefer to point with their thumbs. [False]
b Tipping is compulsory at most restaurants in the US [True]
c. Contorting is less noiser than slurping. [True]
d. People from the west take noodles by twisting them on a Spoon. [True]
e. The Bini and the Kalabari are ethic groups of Nigeria. [True]
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