A. Very Short Answer Questions:
1)Define health education.
- A person is in good health when they are completely free from all mental, social, and physical ailments. Education that informs individuals about these problems is also considered to be part of good health kind of health rented subjects and inform them is called health education.
2)What do you mean by environment education?
→ Environment education is the subject or education which teaches peoples about the factors affecting environment and the solutions to make our environment better then before without harming nature.
3)What is population education?
→ Population education is the subject or education which make people Informed about the population codition of a certain area and helps to find the problems because of more and less population and help to find solving measures created by population.
4)List out the scopes of health education.
The scopes of health education are:
i. Home ii. office iii. school iv. community
5) Differentiate between physical aspect and biological aspect of environmental education.
→ The different between physical aspect and biological aspect of environmental education are:
*Physical aspect
i. Physical aspect refers to the object which com be felt by our sense organs and measured in a particular unit.
*Biological aspect
i. Biological aspect refers to the science of living beings.
6) Show the relationship between environment and your own culture.
= There is no denying the connection between environment and culture, from agriculture to the arts to the industries and occupations that rule many Nations. Religion has also a large influence on the way Societies and cultures view and interact with their environment.
7)What sorts of information on health are gained from community?
→ The sorts of Information on health are gained from Community are:
* In community we can get various health services and facilities.
* In community we can get information about good hygine and health from our elders.
* In community many health related compains are held So we e can get various health related information about STDS, vaccines, and other diseases.
B) Short Answer-Questions
1) What is the importance of health education for human beings?
→ Human health is very precious. it is precious then money some of the points which represent why human beings need a education about health are presented below:-
* Health education build students knowledge, skills and positive attitudes about health.
* The topics of physical, mental, emotional, and social health are covered in health education.
* It encourages students to maintain and enhance their health, avoid illness, and curtail harmful behaviors.
2) How does population education play an important role in the community?
→ Population education Reps to improve the well-being of the families and communities. It leads to a grate awareness among students and teachers and a positive change in their attitudes. It can have a especially important impact on women in a Community by touching them about population education and management of population
3) How can we maintain healthy environment in our family?
→ Families are well-organized groups of people who share a home, eat together, and take care of one another's needs. In order to maintain a friendly and tranquil home atmosphere, families can employ a variety of ways, including:
- Obey and respect elders then people in family.
- love and care younger people in family.
-Elder people should by then best to fulfill necceties of other people.
-family discussen should be done before creating Some programms or before occasions in family.
(4) Illustrate any five noticeable health-related incidents that you have experienced in your school.
→ There are many more incident's which I have experienced my School. Some of them are:
i. Some time during assembly in summer season due to over heat somebody in the assembly got unconsious in our school.
ii. Some time during hat time children where and there and fall down and got pants and were taken Clinic for their treatment.
iii. some time in our schools many vaccine camps Game and provide emmunity beester vaccine to many students.
iv. Some time eye care camp been held in our school in order to take care of eyes of students.
v. Every month girls whose mensturatin period being started were provided various facilities like pads, iron tablet, etc.
5) How does a school play a crucial role in maintaining the neat and clean environment?
→ School play a crucial role in maintaining the neat and clean environment by teaching students about benefits of clean environment and students clean their environment, surrounding roads and other places in order to avoid garbage collection, by the support of school. Many students organizations collaborate with schools and help each other to playa crucial role in maintaining their environment clean.
6) Explain a the scope of health education from a the socio-cultural perspective.
→ Human is a social being. People have different settings according to their occupation and activities. Fundamentally home, school and Community are considered as the scope of health education for from the socio-cultural perspective.
7) How can parents be health educators in the family?
= As we all know that parents are the first teacher of childrens. Parents ear provide various knowledge to their children about culture, tradition and many more parents can not also be health educators by teaching their chickens about various health problems and their Solutions too and aware children's about STP's and many more kind of disease and process of maintaining good hygine.
8)List your roles in maintaining personal hygine.
= My roles in maintaining personal hygine are:
i. I will have a shower regularly.
ii. My clothes and shoes were always clean.
iii. I will have my food and have prepared food items regularly.
iv. My nails and hair will be well managed and trimmed.
v. I will have a sleep in time and wake up out in the morning.
vi. I will always brush my teeth and perform morning activity regularly.
C) Long answer question.
1) Explain the consecquences of rapid population growth.
→ Rapid population growth is a huge problem for a well populated County with limited resources. Many the hindrance and consecquences can be seen because of this. Rapid population growth tends to over use of country's natural recourses. This is particularly the case where the majority of people are dependent on agriculture for their livelihood due to rapid population growth agriculture sectors are very different to run and plungs the economy into the mass employment is population increases, the proportion of workers to total population rises But In the absence of complementary resources, it is not possible to expand job and if job are not available it directly affect the standard of living. As jobs are available or may be limited the peoples Cannot Earn more money and due to these they cannot fulfill basic needs suddenly with the rapidly growing population the needs and demands for food products, clothes, houses, ate But theft supplies cannot be increased in the short run due to the lack of Cooperant factors like low materials, skilled labour, Capital, etc.
2) What types of plans should be mode to preserve the environment?
- Environment is a very important thing, good enviro ament always make good mind health etc. We should preserve the environment for future use: Many of the plans should be made to conserve and preserve the environment Everybody can help from their sector by following the plans which are made specially for conservation of our environment. They are:
i. Reduce, reuse, and recycle: Cut down on what you throw away, follow the three "R" be conserve natural resources and land fill grace.
* Volunteer & Volunteer for cleanups in your community You Can get involved in protecting your watershed, too.
*Educate: When you further your own education, you can help others understand the importance and value of our natural resources.
*Conserve water: The less water you use, the less run off and wastewater that eventually end up in the ocean.
* shop wisely : Buy less plastic and bring a reusable Shopping bag.
* Use long-lasting light bubs: Energy efficient light bulbs reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Also flip the Right switch off when you love the room!
* Plant a tree: Trees provide food and oxygen. They help save energy, clean the air, and help combat climate change
*Don't send chemicals into our waterways: Choose non-toxic chemicals in the home and office
3) Our culture plays positive and negative roles in health population and environment, Justify.
= Our culture plays main important role. Which is associated with day be day life of people socio- cultural aspects are very much influenced by human behaviours in cource of time it is intangible in nature Culture varies from one place to another The religion estrone, beliefs, traditions, festivles, lifestyle, social behaviours,etc. Come under the socio culture aspects. These aspects plays an important role in making health life, population and environment education a complete subject of study. Culture reactify is necessary so that they do not affect the Environment and people health. It is well known that due to environment, population, various fatal diseases are transmitted.