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1. Short answer type questions.
a. What is nervous system?
= The system which controls all other systems of the body is called the nervous system.
b. Name the cavity where the brain is located.
= The brain is located in cranial cavity.
c. Where does the medulla oblongated arise from?
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d. What is spinal cord?
→ The spinal cord is a long, soft and white jelly- like substance present in the neural canal of the vertebral column.
e. What is reflex action?
= Reflex action is defined as an performed by the muscles under the direction of involuntary action the spinal cord in response to the stimulus.
f. Define reflex arc.
= The route taken by nerve impulses from the receptors to the effectors during involuntary actions is called reflex arc.
g. Which membranes is cerebrospinal fluid located between?
= Sorry
2. Long answer type questions:
a. Write in short about the spinal cord.
→ The spinal cord is a long soft and white jelly like substance present in the neural canal of the vertebral column. It extends from the lower end of the medulla oblongata to the lumbar vertebra. The outer surface of the spinal cord is white and the inner care is grey.
b. Name the membranes of meninges.
= Sorry
c. Write two functions of the following organs.
= * Cerebrum
i. It controls the functions of other parts of the brain.
ii. It also helps to conduct different types of motor actions of the muscles.
* Cerebellum
i. It maintain equilibrium and controls the posture of the body.
ii. It makes body movements smooth, steady and coordinated.
* Medulla oblongata
i. lt receives and integrates the signals from the spinal cord and sends the resulting impulses to the cerebrum and cerebellum.
ii. It contains different centres that regulate heartbeat rate blood pressure, breathing swallowing salivation, sneezing vomiting coughing and some other involuntary movements.
d. Describe human brain in shorts.
= Write your self..
e. Write the functions of cerebrum and cerebellum.
= The function of cerebrums are:
i. It is the centre of intelligence, memory imagination and emotions.
ii. It controls the functions other parts of the brain.
iii. It also helps to conduct different types of motor actions of the muscles.
iv. lt is responsible for ordinary sensations like truck, pain, heat and cold and special sensation like sight.. hearing smell, etc.
= The function of cerebellum are:
i. It maintains equilibrium and controls the posture of the body It make body movements smooth, steady and coordinated.
ii. It also regulates and co-ordinates the contraction of the skeletal muscles.
f. Describe the reflex action clearly with an example.
→Reflex action is an automatic response produced by effectors. It is also defined as an involuntary action performed by the muscles under the direction of the spinal cord in response to the stimulus Reflex actions occur rapidly without involving the brain. For example, if We accidentally step sharp objects such as a pin as nails we withdraw the leg very quickly from the source of irritation without thinking what to do. The withdrawal of the leg is immediate and automatic.
g. How do sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic nervous system coordinate during and after emergency.
→During sympathetic autonomic nervous system increases the heartbeat blood flow to the brain. After the emergency is over parasympathetic system acts and reverse the action, restoring the normally of the organs.
3. Give reasons:
a. Cerebrum has its surface but the upper grey upper surface of spinal cord is white.
→ Because it is made of cytons which is grey in colour and it is made upper surface of spinal cord is white as. white in colour up of axons which is white in colour.
b. A hanging person meets instants death.
→ Because hanging cause injury in the medulla oblangata. The medulla oblongata is responsible for many vital processes like breathing, blood circulation, etc.
c. A person cannot maintain a balance in the pasture of the body if the cerebellum is injured.
= Because Cerebellum is considered to maintain equilibriums and contrails the posture of the body.
d. The brain is considered as the controlling centre.
= Because it controls the all the activities of nervous system; peripheral system and autonomic nervous system.
e. A person jumps up when he/she steps on a soft lose thing unknowingly.
= Because of reflex action.
f. A person with an injury in the cerebellum may go in coma.
= Because
g. The spinal cord is the centre of reflex action.
= Because it allows for faster reflex actions to occur activating spinal motor neurons without the delay of routing signals through th brain.
4. Diagrammatic questions:
a. Answer the following questions on the basis of the given diagram.
i. which part of the system shown has outer surface white?
→ Spinal cord (8)
ii. Which part is responsible for the body pasture?
→ Q (Cerebellum)
iii. A person goes in comma after an accident; which part of their body is inquired?
= p(Cerebrum)
ix. A person count stand properly after wing alcohol, which put is affected by the alcohol?
= Brain Stem (S) and Cerebellum (Q)
x. Which part is responsible for reflex action?
→Spinal cord (R)