* Very short answer questions:
1) Define Human Resources.
= Human resources are a person or group of persons having aptitude and expertise.
2) Identifies the various human resource categories according to skill.
+ Based on skill, there are three categories of human resources:
i. Unskilled human resources
ii. Semi-skilled human resources
iii. Skilled human resources
3) Compare between short term human resources and long term human resources in a sentence.
+ The human resources prepared for short term and for specific work is known as short term human resource and the human resource prepared for long period of Service is known as long term human resource
4) Write the real full form of HRM and HRD
+ HBM= Human Resource Management
+ HRD= Human Resource Development
* Short answer questions:
1) List any four human resource management characteristics.
+ The following are the traits of human resource management:
i. Human resource management is also called personnel management
ii. It help to appoint employees in an organization, and develop their efficiency to make them more responsible and valuable to the organization.
iii. Human resource management includes conducting Job analyses, planning personnel needs, recruiting the right worker for the job.
iv. It develop the feeling of cooperation among the employees and motivates them to work in group
2) Explain the importance of human resources development.
→Human Resource development is the princess of empowering employees of an organization and strengthening their ability so that they can perform better. So it have many more importance. It's importances are presented below:
a) It helps in the effective use of the manpower,
b) It makes it easier to find potential employees and decide on an incentive scheme for them.
c) It helps to inspire employees and the business as a whole to work toward common objectives.
d) It is beneficial for the development of leadership, Supervision and effective communication in the organization.
3. What plan has been put in place for the improvement of our country's human resources?
= The plans has been made for the human resource development in our country are presented below:
a) To maintain balance between demand and supply of manpower.
b) To run integrated programs for the skilled human. resource development
c) To increase the efficiency of institutions related to the human resources.
d) To prepare and implement the human resource development policy
e). To run programs for developing leadership in the young manpower
4) In order to grow our country as a developed nation, how should the manpower plan be formed?
= In order to universities prepare the manpower plan the universities also have to produce constant also have to human resource required in the market. regularly. Along with the universities, there are institution for providing technical and vocational education to produce technically skilled man power. With the management of diverse manpower, we can develop the country, fulfill the immediate and future needs of the country and make the living standard of people prosperous and can upgrade our country as a developed Country.
5) What issues does the human resources sector face development in Nepal? How can they be overcome?
→In the context of Nepal human resource development in Nepal is a very important issue. To do it or perform it many of the challenges may Comes or appear and there are many solutions to overcome these problems. Some of the challenges and the solutions of human resource develpment are:
i. There is a lack of required manpower for development since a large number of skilled Semi-skilled and unskilled manpower go. employment abroad for
ii. It is difficult to manage manpower since the production of the manpower doesn't match with its.. demand in the market.
iii. There is a problem in the development of manpower because of the inability to mobilize the available economic resource.
iv. There is lack of clear human resource policy in the Country
i. Create employment opportunities in the country to reduce dependency on foreign employment.
ii. Maintain balance between the production of manpower in the country and it's demand in the market
iii. Run development activities targeting the people of remote areas, women, bait, differently abled backward area, class and community.
iv. Make enough effort to get benefits from the existing active population.
6) Why is it crucial to enhance Nepal's human resource development situation? Give reasons.
→ Every organization prepares a human resource development plan for the management of different level and types of manpower. Human Resource Planning (HRP) is the price of forecasting future human! resource requirements of the organization and determining as to how the existing human resource Locality of the organization can be utilized to fill these requirement. In the context of Nepal It is very essential to improve the condition of human resource development some reasons to develop human resource are:
-It helps in the effective use of manpower
-It makes it easier to find potential employees and decide on an incentive program for them.
-It helps the organization and its workforce be motivated to attain the goal.
-It & beneficial for the development of leadership Supervision and effective communication in the organization
7) Write two distinctions between Human Resource Management and Human Resource Development.
=The following are the distinctions between human resource management and development:
* Human resource management includes human resource development.
* It is the empower and strengthen the abilities of the employees so that they can give their best to the organization
* Personal management is another name for human resource management.
* It develop the feeling of cooperation among the employees and motivate them to work in group.